Displaying 2491 - 2500 of 10154.
Aḥmad al-Si‘dāwī interviews Bishop Marqus to ask him about his declarations concerning the constitutional reform in Egypt.
A few days ago, Islamic thinker Dr. Muḥammad ‘Imārah was summoned by Judge ‘Abd al-Majīd Maḥmūd, the public prosecutor, to answer accusations brought against him by Lawyer Najīb Jibrā’īl, the head of the Egyptian Union of Human Rights Organization [EUHRO, see: http://www.euhroeg.com/], and Father...
The author talks about Islam in Europe, and highlights the necessary steps that are needed to ensure a peaceful coexistence of cultures.
Egyptian security bodies have released, in complete secrecy, the foreign members of the students’ organization who were arrested with their Egyptian colleagues on charges of embracing Jihād ideology, attempting to overthrow the regime and reviving the Islamic Caliphate.
Ahmad Amīn ‘Arafātslams some satellite channels for inviting unqualified Muslim clerics who issue online Fatwás without having considerable knowledge of Islām. Citing Dr. Rashād Khalīl, the former dean of the Faculty of Sharī‘ah and Law, as an example, ‘Arafāt indicated that Dr. Khalīl issued a...
Jihān Maḥmūd criticizes Dr. ‘Abd al-Mahdī ‘Abd al-Qādir, a professor of the Science of Ḥadīth at the Azhar University, for issuing a Fatwá, which she says permits Muslim women to date men for money.
In an attempt to stop the deluge of Fatwás, that are issued by unqualified Muslim clerics on satellite channels, the Azhar’s Islamic Research Academy recently announced itself and Dār al-Iftā’ as the only authorities responsible for issuing official Fatwás in Egypt.
Although Anwar al-Sādāt stated that there should be “no religion in politics,” he called himself the “believer president,”introduced the second article in the Constitution and surpassed all his predecessors in playing with the religious card.
Mubāshir denounces the Azhar Takfīr thesis against Rose al-Yūsuf. The present trend of Takfīr poses a threat to Egypt, government and society and paves the way for terrorism. Highlighting the dangerous consequences of the recurrent Takfīr, Mubāshir calls on the Azhar principals to save the moderate...
The author rejects the second article of the Egyptian constitution that says, “Islam is the religion of the state and the Islamic Sharī‘ah is the main source of legislation.” He believes that it prepares the way for an Islamic state in Egypt. He therefore points out the dangers of the religious...


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