Displaying 9441 - 9450 of 10154.
Hanna Nashid, the counselor, is the first Christian who chairs the Cairo City Council. His election was an very significant event in the face of claims of persecution of Christians. He hopes that he can develop the methods of management and enter the new century with very cultured counselors who...
The claims of persecution failed because they were groundless. The attempts of Egypt’s enemies are repeated year after the other, but all this ends always in a fiasco. This year the claims of the persecution failed due to the efforts of Drs. Cornelius Hulsman, editor of the Religious News Service [...
It is painful to work hard for the sake of your own people and then find them putting obstacles in your way instead of encouraging and thanking you. This is really what happened to President Mubarak before and during his visit to the USA. But the truth was revealed and the President was honored by...
A British court this week ruled in favor of three London-based Islamists, turning down a police request to question them in connection with suspected involvement in terrorism. The suspects include two Egyptians who are leaders of Ansar El-Shari’a, "Upholders of Islamic Law." They are Mustafa Kamel...
Cairo governorate this week celebrated the passage of 1,400 years of Islam in Egypt. The celebration was held in Amr Ibn Al As mosque amidst 10,000 worshippers participating in the ceremony. The district the mosque sits is one of the most ancient in the Islamic world. It witnessed the Islamic...
In an attempt to restore the Amr Ibn Al-As Mosque to its original state, the Culture Ministry signed a restoration contract this week with the public sector Nile Valley Company. The scheme will correct serious architectural flaws made in earlier restoration programmes as well as when the mosque was...
Tomorrow Abu Bakr Al-Sedik Camp will start. The Camp is held under the supervision of Dr. Mahmoud Hamdi Zaqzouq, the minister of Al-Awqaf. The aim of this youth gathering is to spread the correct Islamic call during the summer vacation.
In an interview with Sabah Al-Kheir, Dr. Nasr Abu Zeid talked about his obligatory exile and how he lives in Holland. He also stated his opinion in the fights that are raised in Al-Azhar right now between its scholars.
In a sudden contradictory development, eight organizations of human rights in Egypt presented requests to register the organizations as civil ones working under the new NGO law. Their request were presented in a secret meeting between them and Dr. Mervat Al-Tellawi, the Minister of Social Affairs.
The dispute over the new Associations Law has drawn lots of attention and while it was approved by a parliament majority, the majority of the Egyptian public disapproved of it. This is not merely an impression but an observation gleaned from empirical evidence in Egyptian public life.


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