Displaying 6251 - 6260 of 10154.
The decision is a historic one for President Mubārak as it is an attempt to deepen the concept of citizenship and equality and came in response to those who allege that Copts are concerned about the Brotherhood’s coming to power and would leave Egypt in this case.
Spanish authorities said yesterday that they had arrested 14 fundamentalists on suspicion of recruiting fighters for Iraq’s insurgency.
A recent fatwa by the muftī of Egypt, Dr. ‘Alī Jum‘a, allowing Muslims to sell liquor to non-Muslims in non-Muslim countries, has stirred up wide controversy among Egyptian Muslim scholars.
Although the Muslim Brotherhood describe themselves as a modernist group that was formed to rejuvenate Islam, the author argues that they have never championed the call for secularism nor have they adopted a modern approach.
During the fall of 2025, the ’faithful brothers’ party managed to secure a parliamentary majority that helped it form a new government after weeks ago the party’s candidate has won the presidential post with 52% of the eligible votes. Hours before the party took over, we had this [imaginary]...
Muhammad Habīb, the deputy murshid, commenting on Murshid cĀkif’s statements that the Muslim Brotherhood would respect existing treaties between Israel and Egypt, said any agreement concluded by a state "is not Qur’ān. It is human action that is subject to review.”
The Khutuwāt al-Mustaqbal al-Islāmīya School [The Islamic Future Steps School] has reportedly organized a contest searching out the 99 names of God in the Qur’ān and the genuine sunna, arguing that compiling God’s names is an interpretive work, and can thus be subject to study and analysis.
The author stresses the need for reaching a clear-cut international definition of terrorism and states that Muslim immigrants are like timed bombs, waiting to explode since they can be easily recruited by terrorists.
The author argues that Islam knows no violence, terrorism or compulsion and that Egypt’s Christians welcomed the Islamic conquests since they liberated their churches from the Byzantines and returned them to the Christians.
The Danish prime minister had declined to receive 19 ambassadors from Arab and Muslim countries even though he received a Somali-born woman [‘Alī Hirsi ‘Alī] who wrote the script for a controversial documentary called ’Submission’ directed by Dutch Theo van Gogh. The newspapers also suggest that...


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