Date of source: Tuesday, December 6, 2005
The author argues that several incidents in Egypt, such as the Alexandria incidents, sparked by the CD of an allegedly anti-Islamic play performed in a church and the Wafā’ Qustantin issue, in which the wife of a priest converted to Islam, snowballed into major incidents led by fanatics.
Date of source: Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Members of the Egyptian community denounced the use of any organization or country to interfere in the nation’s domestic affairs, affirming or Christians.
Date of source: Sunday, December 4, 2005
Tarek Heggy details the various ways in which the Copts are oppressed and argues that if the matter is not dealt with in Egypt, it will be discussed abroad.
Date of source: Saturday, December 3, 2005
A new book by prominent thinker, Jamāl al-Bannā, entitled Ikhwānī al-Aqbāt [my Coptic brothers] is to be released soon. The book is expected to cause heated controversy since it tackles Muslim-Christian relations from the author’s point of view.
Date of source: Thursday, December 1, 2005
A Coptic mother of five boys and two girls is claiming that a priest has been persecuting her, conspiring with her landlord to have her evicted and threatening to kidnap her children.
Date of source: Sunday, December 4, 2005
Several key Brotherhood members have exerted painstaking efforts trying to initiate dialogue, particularly in Coptic circles and industry and decision-making spheres in the West, but to no avail. Brotherhood murshid [guide] Muhammad Mahdī ‘Ākif denied statements about his contacts and dialogue with...
Date of source: Friday, December 2, 2005
Many Egyptians have expressed their deep concern over the unprecedented number of seats that the Muslim Brotherhood managed to secure in the recent parliamentary elections. Copts, in particular, fear discrimination and prejudice if the Muslim Brotherhood managed to ascend to power in the coming few...
Date of source: Saturday, December 3, 2005 to Friday, December 9, 2005
The author argues that the Qur’ān contains information that has been recently discovered by science.
Date of source: Thursday, December 1, 2005
Dr. ‘Ammār ‘Alī Hasan argues that Muslim dā‘iyas, often seen on satellite television channels, are increasingly seen in the West as representatives of true Islam, and that they must address important issues facing Muslims.
Date of source: Thursday, December 1, 2005
In an interview, Shaykh Hasan al-Shinnāwī, the grand chief of the Egyptian Sufis elaborates on the number of Sufis in Egypt and their relation to the government and the American embassy, after the U.S. ambassador attended the al-Sayyid al-Badawī moulid.