Displaying 6631 - 6640 of 10154.
A journalist writing in The Washington Post has said that the American vision of a democratic Egypt does not mean Islamic governance.
The author argues that terrorism is a common threat to the world, and thus must be confronted with a unified international response. For this to happen, there needs to be general agreement on the identity of to real enemy.
How does one write a polemic that’s non-polemical, a manifesto that’s not manifestly so? With Christians Observed, the Revd. Dr John Watson, a priest in the Church of England and frequent contributor to Watani, has managed to answer the question.
The conference on minorities’ rights in the Arab countries and the Middle East will be held in Cairo between 12 and 14 May 2005. In fact, I want to make a few comments on its organization as well as on some other points.
Mr. Adel Hammouda wrote a full-page article titled Saad Eddin Ibrahim, the man who lost his shadow for Sawt Al-Umma on November 1, 2004 in which he brought charges against my poor humble self. I really wish Mr. Hammouda had behaved as a journalist who has respect for his pen and readers, a...
In previous issues I have focused on the “must-know religious information” and the consequent do’s and don’ts which if violated would, according to jurisprudential conditions, lead to apostasy, punishable by death if attempts to secure repentance ended up in failure. We have learnt that this rule...
Ramadan [holiest month of Muslim calendar, when fasting is observed] is like a high season for sheikhs when they are to be found everywhere you look.
All followers of heavenly religions are Muslims, according to the Qur’an’s definition. The Muslim Holy Book of the Qur’an has defined Muslims as all the followers of heavenly revealed religions, who abide by the right path, set by God, not followers of the Prophet Muhammad exclusively.
Dr. Mahmoud Hamdy Zaqzouq, Minister of Awqaf [Religious Endowments], emphasized the necessity of renewing religious discourse as compelled by changing times. He clarified that this renewal does not touch on the fundamentals of faith, but concerns matters that require progressive vision.
The writer of Sawt Al-Umma article’s on the Archpriest should have asked himself whether the Torah and the Bible have been corrupted before or after Prophet Muhammad. If they were corrupted before Prophet Muhammad, then why did the Qur’an attest them? And if they were corrupted after Prophet...


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