Displaying 7121 - 7130 of 10154.
Why is God in each of three monotheistic religions different from the God in the other religions? This is the scary, confusing and forbidden question that religious expert and eminent British journalist Karen Armstrong tries to answer in her latest book. Her book, “A History of God,” refers to the...
The prominent television preacher has been hiding for more than three months. He reappeared in Al-Sayd Sports Club to start practicing his hobbies once again. He feels that people have not believed what happened [that he had lured a monaqaba women into cohabitating with him]. The crime committed...
President Bush reaffirmed his oppressive policy against the region last week when he reused the expression “the Crusades launched by the West against terrorism.” This way the US is putting the cross in confrontation with the Qur’an. It would do better to link arms with the countries that suffer...
Some astray American [religious] denominations are making use of the confused atmosphere created by America in the region. Those denominations are trying to spread their strange ideas and beliefs in Egypt and the Arab world. Now a days the American Mormons are trying to spread their movement in...
The majority of the members of the Journalists’ Syndicate did not approve that the Brotherhood used the syndicate hall to announce their initiative for political reform. In the last elections, four Brotherhood members were elected into the board. Instead of declaring the syndicate as a place for...
The Muslim Brotherhood uses Islam for their own interest. Their latest initiative [Democratic Reform Initiative] makes the group seem as if it were God’s chosen leadership. They claim that they hold the keys to the true teachings of Islam. That is why, they claim, everybody should rally round them.
A lot of youth in Upper Egypt joined the Islamic group of Al-Tabligh wa Al-Da’wa. These youths claim that they are preaching the ways of God, but they have no credentials that qualify them to preach. The members of the group in fact do not care about politics and the regime. They belittle the...
In an address read by Prime Minister Atef Ebeid on behalf of the president at the Sixteenth conference of the Higher Council for Islamic Affairs, President Mubarak urged the necessity of “eliminating the distorted images each party has of the other.” The conference was inaugurated in Cairo...
The controversial thinker Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid arrived to Beirut as head of the Arab Institute for Renewing Thought, which was inaugurated yesterday. More than 100 thinkers, researchers and academics have come from Europe and the U.S. to join Zeid in launching the institute. Nasr Hamed Abu Zeid...
Some Muslim traditions could be against the dogma of monotheism. Some Muslims think that they can get a blessing from a stone with a footprint attomb of [saint] El-Sayyed El-Badawi.


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