Displaying 4041 - 4050 of 10154.
The USA, followed by the International Security Council, decided to freeze the balances of associations and groups, which support and sustain terrorists, but in their haste they did not differentiate between humanitarian associations for benevolent acts and rescue, and those who finance the...
The brutality of the attacks of September 11 made Europe and America disclose their true feelings against Arabs and Muslims, who were accused right away after the attacks. These real feelings show the West, which claims to be democratic and considerate about human rights is not. The whole issue is...
Anyone with Middle Eastern or Arab features will certainly have problems mixing with the American people now. They are quite hostile towards anything that is related to the Islamic world. All Arab or Middle Eastern people suffer if they are students, employees or children. It is worse if the...
The author is of the opinion that the statement of the Italian Prime Minister expressed the allures and ambitions of the West and its belief that Islam and the Arabic civilization is its real enemy. He compass between the old Crusades and the new one declared by President Bush, concluding that the...
A professor from the Faculty of Economics and Political Sciences, Cairo University, sent the author a message to the effect that he agrees with the opinion he expressed in his article "Dual nationality: right or vice?" He wrote in his message about another kind of duality that has started to...
The National Security Prosecution arrested an employee who formed a group believing in ideas against Islam and spreading them in his workplace and the area where he lives. The ideas have to do with denying the holy hadiths and claiming that some of the obligations mentioned in the Sunna are not...
[The RNSAW received this text from Dr. Abu Zayd for placement in the RNSAW. The text was first presented during a conference in June in Berlin, Germany] Since the occupation of Egypt by Bonaparte in 1798 Muslims have had to address the issue of secularization. Some Muslim thinkers believe Islam...
The head of the Supreme Constitutional Court explained the role of that court, especially regarding the rulings that some laws are unconstitutional. He explained the legal provisions that allowed for this apparent conflict between the legislator’s reasoning and that of the Constitutional Court. The...
The Middle East Media Research Institute produced a report about responses in the Egyptian media to the attacks in the USA giving the impression that the Egyptian government, opposition, and independent press all celebrated the terrorist attacks on the USA. The RNSAW commented on MEMRI’s report and...
The former Egyptian ambassador in Israel accused the Mossad of being behind the recent attacks in America. He said that America overlooked the absence of 4,000 Jews from their work in the World Trade Center on the day of the attack, adding that Israel was the only country that had not declared...


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