Displaying 2681 - 2690 of 10154.
The writer talks about the importance of teaching human rights in schools and universities. He presents three points to be considered when teaching these rights.
An interview with Egyptian Minister of Education Dr. Yusrī al-Jamal, who discusses the problems in Egyptian education and the measures being taken to improve it.
The article presents three important questions that deal with the sensitive relationship between Christians and Muslims in Egypt.
Jamāl Badawī stresses the importance of being aware of the danger that threatens the national unity of Egypt under the mask of international calls for justice and prosperity.
The author continues his series of articles in Sawt al- Azhar newspaper in reponse to Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus’s opinions about Islām from his appearances on the Christian TV channel ‘al-Hayāh.’
Coptic writer Jamāl As‘ad explains what he terms "totalitarianism in the name of religion." He provides two examples from both Muslim and Christian milieus: the Muslim Brotherhood’s reaction to Farūq Husnī’s anti-H...
Some information about the extremist preacher Abū Hamzah al- Misrī and why the British authorities hate him.5. Developments in Muslim-Christian relations in the Arab world
The legation of American European Arab Dialogue is in Egypt for the first time to discuss relations between Islām and the West.
Tāriq al-Zumur has filed an appeal before the court against the ministry of interior because he and his cousin ‘Abbūd remain in detention despite having completed their jail sentences in 2003.
The writer talks about the political role of Islamic groups in the Arab Muslim world in an attempt to answer the question: Is Arab democracy possible without Islamists?


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