Displaying 7511 - 7520 of 10154.
Colin Powell wants his administration to convince the leaders of the Islamic world that the education offered by schools in the Muslim world does not suit our times and undermines peace and security. He claims that such education teaches students the worse terms in religion and the most hateful...
The guide of the Muslim Brotherhood Muhammad Mahdi Akef rejects the projects of change that come from abroad, stressing that change that is effected by force or top level decision will have a limited effect. “Solutions imported from abroad will not solve our problems,” Akef said.
It appears that there is a plan by the authorities to crack down on the members to restrict their participation in meetings abroad. The rate of the bans on travel of Brotherhood members increased dramatically since Muhammad Mahdi Akef was appointed supreme guide of the Brotherhood.
The “secret division” or the military wing of the Brotherhood was founded by Hassan Al-Banna, the founder of the Muslim Brotherhood. The secret division was meant to defend it [the group] against competing parties and to counter the British occupation of Egypt at the time. But Abdel Rahman El...
Hassan El Banna, along with other Islamized people, started his journey towards terrorism by confusing between jihad as an Islamic obligation and terrorism as a means of terrifying Muslims and shedding blood.
The Grand Imam of Al Azhar Muhammad Sayyed Tantawi confirmed that the veil is an Islamic obligation and whoever denies it is considered an apostate. During the meeting of the head authority of the International Islamic Council for Da’wa and Relief, he said that dealing with the French veil ban...
The article is an interview with Dr. Nadia Mustafa, professor of International Relations, head of the Center for Political Research and head of the Program for Dialogue between Civilizations at Cairo University. Dr. Mustafa admits our society’s need for renewing the religious discourse and she...
The author discusses the issue of the renewal of [Islamic] religious discourse through the opinions of Muslim scholars and thinkers on the issue. The author presents the views of the Grand Imam of the Azhar Muhammad Sayyed, Dr. Kamal Abu Al-Magd, Abdel Sabour Marzouq, deputy head of the...
The article discusses the subject of Gnostic Christianity or sacred knowledge in Christianity. The author associates between the faith of Ikhnaton, ancient Egyptian pharaoh and Gnostic Christianity.
This file is about the Muslim Brotherhood. It contains a number of articles on the Brotherhood that discuss the future awaiting them, the problems of transforming into a party, changes within the group and other issues.


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