Displaying 3421 - 3430 of 10154.
The queen of Jordan holds a conference urging the world to stand up to violence against children in war-torn Arab countries.
Father Marqus ‘Azīz has discovered that there is someone claiming to be Monk Mitiās Nasr in order to commit fraud.
The author deals with the issue of democracy and how Egypt was a liberal state until the outbreak of the 1952 revolution that brought a military regime in power, which disbanded all political parties and established a one-party system with no clear political agenda in mind.
The author criticizes the American funding of Egyptian NGOs and US interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries under the pretext of spreading democracy and freedom in the Arab world.
The author discusses the American strategy of creative chaos and its effects on the region. He also discusses the methods the US is adopting to reach its goal.
Committees, laws, and resolutions should be put into action so that we can stand against disasters and crises.
The author attacks the Muslim Brotherhood saying that it is against civilization and seeks to establish a state ruled by one party.
The author wonders who is ruling Egypt and Dr. Mīlād Hana states that neither Jamāl Nazīf, or the Muslim Brotherhood is capable of ruling Egypt.
U.S. officials negotiate with the National Democratic Party and the leader of the Muslim Brotherhood admits that there have been other discussions between them and the U.S.
Archpriest Marqus ‘Azīz Khalīl refutes allegations by Dan Brown, the author of the novel ‘The Da Vinci Code’, that Jesus Christ married Mary Magdalene and had children with her, asserting that Christianity stands on the important pillar of the Divine Being of Christ and thus it is never...


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