Displaying 61 - 70 of 10154.
Saudi Arabian newspaper Al-Watan praised the appointment of Hishām Qandīl as the new Prime Minister (PM) of Egypt and described it as a "positive move". Al-Watan added that appointing Egypt's PM was long overdue since President Muhammad Mursī came to power and was important for maintaining...
Dr. Muhammad Badī’, General Murshid (Guide) of the Muslim Brotherhood group, and several other leaders held a closed-door meeting in the guide’s office with Ismā'īl Hanīyah, head of the Hamas government in Gaza. They discussed several issues, chiefly the Palestinian issue and how to solve it...
Experts have questioned whether Islamic banks could keep their clients unless they adhere to Islamic standards. Numerous banking and economic experts have expressed a lack of satisfaction at the ability of Islamic banks to adhere to traditional Islamic practices, saying  that many of their banking...
Tūkh Misdemeanour Court has found Salafī member of parliament ‘Alī Wanīs guilty in absentia of committing an obscene act -with a woman, Nisrīn Ramadān ‘Abd al-'Ātī- on a public road. He also received a suspended fine of 1000 Egyptian pounds and 6 months imprisonment for assaulting Police. Nisrīn...
Watanī published the list of Copts eligible to vote for the 118 th Coptic Orthodox Patriarch. The list contained 2554 names that represent many segments in the society, including: metropolitans and bishops, heads of monasteries, deputies and trustees, members of the Spiritual Council in Cairo,...
Field Marshal Husayn Tantāwī, Commander in Chief of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, has confirmed at a military ceremony that Egypt is not for a certain group but for all Egyptians. He said that the Armed Forces will never allow it any other way and that the Armed Forces will protect Egypt...
The reaction taking place now on the political arena in Egypt about the rise of political Islam even to the Presidency of the Republic requires monitoring and analysis, especially for some reactions by Christian Egyptian trends. I think that the clear example of this case now is the debate over...
This is a comment on an article with similar title published today on a blog called “Salamamoussa. Reclaiming Egypt,” named after Salāmah Mūsá (1887-1958), a well-known journalist, writer, and advocate of secularism and Arab socialism who was born into a wealthy, land-owning Coptic family in the...
What is written about Christian citizens in Egypt is not subject in any case to the logic of journalistic treatment as it is subject in many cases to the logic of intimidation and exaggeration or underestimation and stultification.
  The Islamic Jihād leader Yāsir Sa'd announced that a number of Islamic Jīhad members support presidential hopeful Ahmad Shafīq, former Prime Minister, in the coming presidential elections. He said that voters have a choice between a civil state represented by Shafīq and a religious state...


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