Displaying 2411 - 2420 of 10154.
An alleged love affair was about to ignite sedition in Egypt. A school book was banned by a ruling from the Cairo Court for Urgent Affairs.
The Muslim young men accused of setting alight Copts’ shops are interrogated by the general attorney.
Rumors announce recommencement of new clashes between Muslims and Copts in Egypt.
The author comments on the recent events involving Faysal Islamic Bank.
About 20,000 manuscripts are expected to be gathered from the different antiquity mosques and indexed in the central library for Islamic manuscripts at the Ministry of Endowments. The project is expected to be realized within one year.
In an unprecedented occasion the Coptic Orthodox Church hosts a symposium where Muslim and Christians are intended to participate in an open objective dialogue to build bridges of intercommunication toward real values of citizenship.
The article talks about the discrimination on the basis of religion that occurred in the Faculty of Specific Education at ‘Ayn Shams University. The minister of education is paying close attention to the case of excluding a Christian assistant professor, Ghādah ‘Ātif, from the academic schedule two...
“It is not our rejection of the other’s religion that measures our faithfulness to God; it is rather our loyalty to our own religion. There is no difference between the essence of Islām and Christianity. All disagreements are based on the way of explanation.” These are some of the ideas expressed...
The new edition of Muḥammad ‘Imārah’s book, ’Fitnah al-Takfīr bayna al-Shī‘ah wa-al- Wahhābīyah wa-al-Sūfīyah’ [The Sedition of Takfīr between Shī‘ah Wahhābism and Ṣūfism] was issued following the withdrawal of his old one from the market after the author indeliberatily quoted texts from another...
The article talks about Nawāl al-Sa‘dāwī’s works that attack God and religion, and her false claims.


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