Displaying 9681 - 9690 of 10154.
Conclusion of Islamic-Christian dialogue organized at the Gregoriana Papal Catholic University. The article discusses the Muslim idea of who will make it to Paradise, the position of non-Muslims in modern Islamic society, and Muslim-Christian relationships.
Continuation of Islamic-Christian dialogue organized at the Gregoriana Papal Catholic University. Primarily human rights and the Muslim idea of freedom of religion.
Friday, British authorities released three Islamist militants arrested four days earlier, including the leader of Ansar Al-Sharia (Advocates of Islamic Law) and Yasser Serri who was sentenced to death in absentia by an Egyptian military court in 1994 for plotting an attack against the then Prime...
The Governor of Northern Sinai is working to make the anniversary celebrations of the entry of Islam to Egypt consistent with the holiness of the event honoring the receiving of Islam and its armies.
Egypt celebrates the passage of 14 centuries since the Arab Conquest of Egypt "to promote [its] historical value ... and to affirm that Egypt is the cradle of religions..." Celebrations counter the argument that the aim of the Arab conquest of Egypt was to loot its wealth and conquer its Copts.
The chairman of Radio and Television Union issued secret instructions banning broadcasting of Najwa Karam’s songs in Egyptian media. Over the last 3 weeks the Lebanese singer was accused of insulting heavenly religions when she named her song after one of the prophets. If the charges are proved,...
Last May [1998], students in an American University in Cairo (AUC) course on Muslim politics complained about Maxime Rodinson’s biography "Muhammad". In less than 24 hours after a columnist decried its teaching as blasphemous, Ministry of Higher Education Minister Mufeed Shehab ordered the...
The Israeli government has officially requested Egypt that it [be allowed to] build in Cairo the largest synagogue in the Middle East together with a Wailing Wall. Israel said in its request that was sent via diplomatic channels, that Egypt’s acceptance to this request will assure and strengthen...
In a seminar titled "Religious and Political Extremism in Israel" organized by Ain-Shams University, discussions and research concluded that Jewish extremism in the most dangerous sort of religious extremism.
A growing Charismatic movement amongst Christian youth, especially amongst the Protestants is compared to Dervishism and Sufism in Islam, and the question is posed: Is there Dervishism in Christianity?


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