Displaying 8411 - 8420 of 10154.
Four Brotherhood parliamentary members choose to join the Education Committee. The committees of Health, Industry and Local Administration, each have two Brotherhood members. The remaining Brotherhood members are divided between the committees of Agriculture, Housing, Transportation, Suggestions...
The Muslim Brotherhood’s female candidate in the last elections said that she did not nominate herself as a reaction to her husband’s prevention from nomination but because she intends to play a different role from her husband’s. She believes that neither her nomination nor supporting Copts were...
The late Pope Kyrillos IV laid the foundation stone of the monastery of Mar Mena Al-Agybi, in 1959. The tomb of Pope Kyrillos, who took Mar Mena as his intercessor, is there. Mar Mena Al-Agybi [Mar Mena, the wonder-worker] was so called because of the wonders that took place where he was buried.
For the second time sentencing in the second Al-Kosheh case was postponed. The accused went to the Criminal Court of Sohag for the session at which verdicts were to be announced. However, the court was closed as one of the judges was ill. So the court decided to postpone the session until the...
Marriage between a Muslim man and a Christian or a Jewish woman is allowed in Islamic countries while the opposite is not allowed. The author argues that if Muslims consider Christians people of the book, a Christian man should have the right to marry a Muslim woman. However, if they are...
A number of the leaders of the frozen Labor Party are looking at entering the coming Shura Council elections. The party is also trying to establish itself an unofficial parliamentary front in the People’s Assembly comprising of four representatives, two of whom are Brotherhood members. These...
The British government is facing demands for investigation of whether Muslim students in Britain are being militarily trained and armed to fight outside Britain, especially in Chechnya and Kashmir. This demand has led to fears among British Muslims, especially those who belong to the...
The leaders of Jihad, the terrorist group, have announced that they will resume their armed activity against the government system in Egypt. They will continue until they manage to overthrow it. The announcement came in the editorial of the first edition of their new magazine, "Al-Mujahidun."
This article is a response to Dr. Mohammed Gam’a’s comment on Atef’s Abdel Ghani’s article on the foundation of the Gama’at Al-Islamiya. The latter wrote that Mohammed Othman Ismael played an important role in founding the Gama’at Al-Islamiya. Gam’a tried to raise doubts about the role of Ismael...
The author explained that he did not mean to criticize the article of Fahmi Howeidi about establishing an Islamic party [see RNSAW, week 52, article 4] in his article "Playing with fire, sheikh!." It was rather a rational discussion of all the points mentioned in Howeidi’s article. He also pointed...


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