Displaying 2541 - 2550 of 10154.
Jewish groups in Egypt celebrate the anniversary of Abū Ḥasīrah.
A conference held by the Forum for Intercultural Dialogue discussed the importance of dialogue in establishing a coexisting culture and accepting the other.
The writer talks about the Baptism feast, and how all Egyptians, Muslims and Christians, are sharing and celebrating these moments that indicates a unique social heritage.
Muḥammad al-Badrī claimed that Faysal Islamic Bank recently prevented Copts from holding any of its shares, which he described as an unprecedented incident that revealed blatant discrimination between Muslim and Christian Egyptian citizens. al-Badrī said that most acts of religious discrimination...
In his second article, Dr. al-Ṭayyīb explains that Islām respects the freedom of creed of non-Muslims and that the Islamic Sharī‘ah never obliges a woman to convert to Islam when marrying a Muslim. The Pact of the Christians of Najrān is a collection of obligatory Islamic rules for treating non-...
Majdī Khalīl denied the accusations made against expatriate Copts of helping Muslims girls who converted to Christianity emigrate and of igniting sectarian sedition while claiming that they aim for reform.
The article calls for stimulating the participation of Coptic youth in the political process.
Majdī Khalīl discusses some of the principles which he says govern the political representation of minorities, as enshrined in international covenants, and proposes several mechanisms in this regard.
The issue of the second article’s amendment is beyond Copts, and requires the cooperation of all enlightened trends in order to make the laymen understand the definition of the civil state guided by the experiences of major countries which began the renaissance by returning the religious...
Muṣṭafá Thābit, the author, continues in his series of articles in response to Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus’s critique of Islām. In this article he presents the archpriest’s opinion on the issue of atonement.


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