Displaying 2921 - 2930 of 10154.
The Muftī of Egypt is in London to modify the negative image of Islām in the West.
To have a fruitful cooperation, it is important that the West, and especially the U.S. government, move away from its stereotypical belief that all Islamic groups are terrorist organizations. Dialogue between civilizations marked the starting point of the Mediterranean partnership.
The sixteenth conference of the Council of the Catholic Patriarchs of the East, held in Lebanon, discussed the rapid migration of Christians from the Arab World. It referred to the practices of the state in Egypt toward Copts as being the main reason behind Coptic emigration.  
The article says that Muslims and Christians should work together to resolve any problems and let aside any disagreements.
Watanī publishes the response of the Ministry of Interior over incidents of young Coptic girls disappearing. Watanī asserts that the letter from the ministry contradicts the actual incidents and tries to cover the ministry’s incapacity to determine the exact facts and locations of the victims.
The author asserts that the marriage of a Muslim man and an Egyptian Christian woman is another interfaith issue which is not treated fairly by the authorities.
The author continues his series of articles in the Sawt al-Azhar newspaper to reply to Archpriest Zakarīyā Butrus’s opinions about Islām in his appearances on the Christian TV channel al- Hayāt.
In an interview, Bishop Munīr Hannā, the head of the Episcopal Church in Egypt, North Africa and the African Horn, stresses the peaceful co-existence between Christians and Muslims in Egypt, urging to share inter-religious dialogue to spread the spirit of understanding rather than fanaticism.
The author speaks about the publishing of the first Islamic newspaper in German, its importance and aims.
This essay discusses the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. He says that the Muslim Brotherhood leaders lack profound vision for the problem of merging with a democratic system.


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