Displaying 7611 - 7620 of 10154.
Over and over again, we are just seeing the same incidents, names and climate that brought about terrorism, takfir [accusing someone of unbelief] and hisba [the right of a Muslim to defend public morality, suing on behalf of religion]. - See art. 18, 19: Screening the Soap Opera "Bint min Shurba...
Our crisis is that we have people like Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, who wears the cowboy outfit and a hat and often forgets that he is Egyptian. He behaves as if he were “high commissioner.” Ibrahim is an ugly example of foreign interference in the country’s affairs. He preaches theories and ideas that...
If the Muslim Brotherhood, or any other Islamic parties, wants to participate in elections, they shall, first of all, accept the basic aspects of the free democratic society. Islamic groups should accept the separation between religion and state policies, and consequently amending the constitution...
Despite all warnings of the activities of foreign NGOs in Egypt which, on the surface, provide medical, educational, agricultural and reclamation services to enhance living standards while in fact they aim at penetrating the Egyptian society by knowing all habits and comportments. Thirty-eight...
As an Iranian now living in a liberal democracy, I would like to explain why Islam and democracy are essentially incompatible. Democracy is based on one fundamental principle: equality. The idea of equality is unacceptable to Islam. For the non-believer cannot be the equal of the believer. Even...
More than half a century, I published a book calling for a new concept of honour and ethics which depend on the essence of both man’s and woman’s behaviour.
Heated discussions are taking place in the National Council for Women and some non-governmental organizations to propose amendments to articles 237 and 277 of the penal code, which differentiate between a husband and his wife in case of adultery.
Dr. Yousuf al-Qaradāwī said the western vision does women injustice because it considers her equal to man in work and deprived her from assuming responsibility at home, for husband and children.
Expatriate Coptic groups have a common goal; identifying the alleged Coptic problem and advocating their cause. That is their pretext for interfering in Egypt’s affairs. Such groups, call on the Copts of Egypt to take actions and run for presidential elections or that of the Bar Association. They...
Many Muslim fundamentalists left Egypt for Europe, America and Asia. They were welcomed by their host countries, granted political asylum and even nationalities. These countries did not listen to Egyptian pleas to send them back until they were taken by surprise by their attacks.


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