Displaying 7711 - 7720 of 10154.
In accordance with the Euro-American vision, the Arab regimes now enjoy strong relations with the United States and Europe, are no longer fit to go on. The political purposes go beyond an alliance to reach absolute satellite status. These Western objectives need some kind of a flagrant intervention...
The former Muftī of Egypt has recently said women, from an Islamic point of view, can not assume the post of head of state, and of course Dr. Nawāl al-Sacdāwī, who had announced her self-nomination for presidency, has not wasted the chance to deal a violent attack on our beautiful religion of Islam...
The forming of a religion-based political party in Egypt is just like setting a fuel tank on fire and would never serve political stability and economic development.
Dr. Khālid al-Za‘farānī, a former key figure of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, out of the blue announced plans to apply to the Parties’ Affairs Committee for setting up Hizb al-Islāh wa al-‘Adāla wa al-Tanmīya [the Reform, Justice and Development Party, which he described as a “new democratic popular...
Khālid al-Za‘farānī, a former member of the Brotherhood and secretary general of the frozen Labor Party, announced the establishment of a new party under the name Hizb al-Islāh wa al-‘Adāla wa al-Tanmīya [Reform, Justice and Development, and said would go through the paper work for his party soon...
It would be difficult for any serious pundit to read al-Sa‘dāwī’s books outside her stature as a socio-political activist that played a vital role in breathing a fresh life into the stagnant issues of Arab women.
Al-Sa‘dāwī’s book banned by the Azhar Nawāl al-Sa‘dāwī does not separate between the words uttered by the characters in her new book al-Riwāya [The Novel] and the statements she gives to the press about demands for justice, in her own viewpoint, for women that the book seems like a social platform...
The procedures taken to keep whoever converts to Islam inside the monasteries will have serious repercussions leading to the spread of secret Islam inside the Church. Certainly there will be secret contacts between the new converts and this will in turn create intra anti-Church groups and networks.
Why should not Egypt, thanks to its current dialogue with Israel, demand the return of the Al-Sultan Monastery to the Coptic Orthodox Church? Israeli occupation forces seized it on April 25, 1970, and then handed it over to the Abyssinians.
Copt lodges complaint against Pope Shenouda The personal status prosecution is considering a complaint lodged by a Christian woman against the Coptic Orthodox Church and its Representative Pope Shenouda III, the Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark, over a canon law pertaining to marriage. This law...


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