Displaying 1701 - 1710 of 10154.
At 10 am, last Wednesday, Albright met with Sacd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm at the Ibn Suhyoun (son of a Zionist) Center, formerly known as the Ibn Khaldoun Center in al-Muqattam. Extraordinary security measures were taken. Police, detectives, and anti-terrorism specialists were spread everywhere to protect...
Terrorism has proliferated in nearly all Islamic and Arab countries despite the differences between the ruling regimes. Within the Palestinian people’s resistance against the Israeli occupation, the phenomenon spread that some called “suicide bombing” and others called “martyrdom operations.”
Muslim Brotherhood members staged two simultaneous demonstrations in two of Cairo’s most bustling areas; Ramsīs Square and downtown al-Tahrīr Square. All demonstrators called for abrogating the Emergency Law and for making sharī‘a effectively the source of law.
Sacd al-Dīn Ibrāhīm, one of Egypt’s most prominent activists and human rights crusaders, has challenged his country’s leaders for most of his life. He was imprisoned from 2000 to 2003 on charges that were criticized internationally as being politically motivated. Ibrāhīm is writing his memoirs as a...
The once-insider of the outlawed group, ‘Alī ‘Ashmāwī, says he discovered that the organization had been penetrated by Western agencies.
The Egyptian authorities stepped up their crackdown of the Muslim Brotherhood by arresting 20 top ranking figures in the outlawed organization.
A terrorist blast and shooting rocked downtown Cairo on Saturday afternoon leaving the three assailants killed and seven people wounded
The assassination of Ihāb al-Sharīf has triggered numerous rumors about his appointment, his activities in Iraq, his position, his security, his captors and executors. Many claims and rumors have spread since the assassination of the Egyptian head of mission in Iraq.
Two young women, Maryān Mīlād and Teresa ‘Ayyād, were last Monday returned to their families by the police after a reported conversion to Islam followed by three days of demonstrations by the Coptic youth community at the Mar Girgis Church, in denunciation of what the protesters described as the...
Many people rushed to describe the Azhar bazaar blast that left two people killed and eight others wounded as an individual attack motivated by anger over the current Iraqi and Palestinian crises. However, soon after the Saturday two attacks in downtown Cairo’s ‘Abd al-Muncim Riyād and al-Sayyida ‘...


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