Displaying 6951 - 6960 of 10154.
Next Wednesday will witness the public referendum on the constitutional amendment which was passed by Parliament earlier this month, and which allows for the first multi- candidate presidential elections in Egypt. It is to be hoped that the voters will actively respond by taking part in the...
Muslim and Christian clerics convened to promote the participation in the referendum on the amendment of article 76 of the constitution and promoted it as a national and religious obligation.
The “Save Egypt Front”[Jabhat Inqādh Misr] conducted its first press conference in London. Kamāl al-Hilbāwī, the consultant of the Front said that it is not a political party or movement like the Muslim Brotherhood. But he asserted that the movement has the capacity to mobilize thousands of people...
Saad Eddin Ibrahim, head of the Ibn Khaldun Center for Development Studies, denied what was reported about him asking the US administration to pressure the Egyptian government to enforce democracy. "I did not ask anyone to do this. I am the one who pressures and asks for applying democracy because...
The article is based on two interviews with Dr. Tareq Mitri, a Lebanese professor and the head of the Islamic-Christian dialogue section at the World Council of Churches [and member of the Board of Advisors of AWR] and Coptic researcher Samir Marcos, counselor of inter-civilizational dialogue...
Dr. Abdel-Azeem Al-Mata’ani has been behind most of the cases of accusing writers of kufr [unbelief]. The latest writer he accused of disbelief is Ahmed Al-Shahawi because of his book "Commandments on Loving Women." The author believes that because Al-Mata’ani was not paid the attention he always...
The article is an interview with Mustafa Muhammad, a Brotherhood member of the Parliament who stirred the issue of poet Ahmed Al-Shahawi’s book “Commandments on Loving Women.” He explains why he is against the book and expresses the opinion that there should be a censorship by the Azhar over all...
The article is an interview with the Egyptian Minister of Endowments about the religious discourse in Egypt. He denied what has been reported lately about the intention of the ministry to unify the Friday sermons. He stressed that renewing the religious discourse is needed and that the ministry has...
The writer criticizes the idea of racial discrimination in the Arab world. The fact that Arabs do not acknowledge this, does not mean it does not exist. The article is based on the experience with an Egyptian cap driver in America.
German expert Rudolph Sindler, who is working in an engineering project in Upper Egypt, converted to Islam and married an Egyptian. He said he converted to Islam because of its tolerance and mercy. See also art. 27.


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