Displaying 7841 - 7850 of 10154.
Early last January, al-Hayāt published extracts from Muntasir al-Zayyāt’s book Al-Jamā‘āt al-Islāmīya: Ru’ya min al-Dākhil [Al-Jamācāt al-Islāmīya: A vision from inside]. In fact, a better title would be Al-Jamā‘āt al-Islāmīya: A personal vision. While reading the book, one can feel that personal...
Christopher Columbus, discoverer of America, was nothing but an advocate for a holy war against Islam. He went to the New World (America) in search of gold and then gave it to Pope Alexander VI to prepare a 55,000 strong militant army to attack the Muslims in Palestine.
Al-Musawwar magazine is publishing excerpts from Fathī Ghānim’s novel Bint min Shubrā [a girl from Shubrā], whose adaptation as a TV series drew recent controversy, prompting the Minister of Information to refer the TV drama to the Azhar and St. Mark Cathedral for religious evaluations.
The concept of citizenship rights forms the basis of the relationship between the citizen and the State. In this context, it is hoped that the ‘religion’ box [which identifies the holder’s religion, on his or her identification documents] would be abolished from official papers.” The words belong...
Bishop Bafnoutīous of Samāllout sent a letter to al-Usbou‘ denying a report published by the newspaper on the incidents at Samāllout.
Attorney General Judge Māhir ‘Abd al-Wāhid ordered the referral of 24 suspects to the Mīnyā criminal court. They are charged with vandalism, assault and inciting sectarian violence at the village of al-Minqatayn in Samāllout.
Islamic sharī’a [law] has always been closely related to ijtihād [independent judgment in legal or theological questions based on the interpretation and application of the four fundamentals of religion] in all Muslim societies. The moment ijtihād started to lose its flexibility, due to the scholars...
The Director of the Islamic Culture Department at the Faculty of Dacwa, al-Azhar University, Dr. Zakī Muhammad cUthmān believes technological development is a blessing that we should make the best use of to firmly establish the right values and culture.
Al-Jamā‘a al-Islāmīya’s rejection of violence and terrorism has been the main topic of discussion at the Cairo International Book Fair. Editor-in-chef of al-Musawwar, Makram Muhammad Ahmad, followed up on the debates later recorded and published by al-Jamā‘a al-Islāmīya in four books.
In the aftermath of the issue of Wafā’ Costantine, many Copts called for the removal of the cell for religion on identification cards.


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