Date of source: Monday, February 7, 2005
News has been circulating in Coptic circles that the Church has decided to send both Wafā’ Costantine and Mari cAbd al-Allāh and their families to a Western country.
Date of source: Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Muhammad Nour Farahāt, a professor of Law interested in the philosophy behind laws, stated that he has been calling for a unified personal status law for both Copts and Muslims. He believes that a nation must be governed by one law. Such a law would take into consideration both the religious and...
Date of source: Monday, January 31, 2005
A great unfairness is being done towards Christ nowadays, as He has been wronged by both Matta al-Maskīn and His Holiness Pope Shenouda.
Date of source: Monday, January 31, 2005
Jamāl Ascad is a writer, an activist, and a former member of the People’s assembly. Ascad was expelled from al-Muhrraq Monastery and was socially excluded when he dared discuss the political role of the Pope.
Date of source: Saturday, January 29, 2005
“The Church of Arabs” or “the Church of Islam” is a new expression that may shock those who hear it for the first time. Patriarch Grigorious III explained this expression stating that the Arab church is the church that belongs to the Arab community and it is also the church of Islam. It is the...
Date of source: Monday, January 31, 2005
In the article “The Unseen Facts,” published on January 10, 2005 in al-Usbou‘ newspaper, Anba Mousa replies to arguments raised by judge Tāriq al- Bishrī with regards to the Costantine issue.
Date of source: Tuesday, February 1, 2005
Dr. Ihāb ‘Abd al-Ahad Jamāl al-Dīn, Assistant to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, stated before the Foreign Relations Committee of the People’s Assembly yesterday that Egypt officially has recorded its objection to the U.S. anti-Semitism law.
Date of source: Wednesday, January 26, 2005
Dr. Ibrāhīm Kāmil, chairman of the Egyptian European Council (EEC), invited David Walsh, the U.S. ambassador to Egypt to a meeting indicating that the main objective of the meeting is promoting mutual understanding between the two countries.
Date of source: Sunday, January 30, 2005
A large number of Copts in France assembled for a peaceful march on January 23 to revive the 5th anniversary of the incidents of al-Kushh, a small Egyptian village that witnessed acts of violence claiming the lives of a number of Muslims and Christians.
Date of source: Saturday, January 29, 2005
The German authorities took decisive measures against hard-line groups active on German territories. Police raids and searches in several German provinces and cities in unison resulted in the arrest of 22 Islamist activists, amongst which were five women.