Displaying 3251 - 3260 of 3481.
The claims of persecution failed because they were groundless. The attempts of Egypt’s enemies are repeated year after the other, but all this ends always in a fiasco. This year the claims of the persecution failed due to the efforts of Drs. Cornelius Hulsman, editor of the Religious News Service [...
It is painful to work hard for the sake of your own people and then find them putting obstacles in your way instead of encouraging and thanking you. This is really what happened to President Mubarak before and during his visit to the USA. But the truth was revealed and the President was honored by...
What happened in the USA stressed the fact that there is a real crisis between the emigrant Egyptians and the Egyptian government. The Egyptian mass media has failed in opening a channel of conversation between these emigrants and the government. It has also failed in making them recognize the...
Afghanistan’s Taliban movement refused on Saturday to extradite Saudi exile Osama bin Laden to the United States to face charges of masterminding US embassy bombings in Africa last year that killed more than 250 people.
A British court this week ruled in favor of three London-based Islamists, turning down a police request to question them in connection with suspected involvement in terrorism. The suspects include two Egyptians who are leaders of Ansar El-Shari’a, "Upholders of Islamic Law." They are Mustafa Kamel...
In an interview with Sabah Al-Kheir, Dr. Nasr Abu Zeid talked about his obligatory exile and how he lives in Holland. He also stated his opinion in the fights that are raised in Al-Azhar right now between its scholars.
Arab countries with an independent attitude to foreign policy are singled out for attacks by the Western media, particularly American, which is for the most part financed by Zionists. American media exploits every opportunity for bitterly criticizing Arab countries with the apparent aim of...
Dr. Mohammed Sayyed Tantawi, the Sheikh of Al-Azhar, sent the American Freedom of Religious Persecution Law to the Islamic Research Institution in order to discuss it and take a decision about it. This law allows the American government to create the function of a traveling ambassador to travel to...
While President Mubarak was receiving his honorary doctorate in law from Washington University, a group of people were standing in front of the doors of the university distributing leaflets which included an approximate drawing for a church, which looks much like the American ones, and there is a...
There is no need for confirming that the security of Egypt means the prosperity and safety of all the Egyptians. It is also not necessary to pay more attention to the claims of the persecution of the Copts in Egypt because they have become hollow words without any proof. Since the beginning of the...


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