Displaying 301 - 310 of 451.
The press report that the Muslim Brotherhood have spent 28 million LE on election propaganda, and that their slogan, ’Islam is the solution’, is simply used to avoid providing detailed solutions to Egypt’s problems.
Ahmad Shawqī al-Fanjarī argues that the application of the hudoud [Islamic penal code] must be proceeded by social reform, and that its application has only led to great suffering.
Khomeini’s Iran, the Taliban’s Afghanistan, Nimeiri’s Sudan and several other countries have claimed to be ruled according to Islam. Yet such ’Islamic’ rule merely led to backwardness and oppression. The elite in Egypt are terrified by the idea that a theocracy Egypt would bring a whirlpool of...
An attack on the ’so-called analysts’ of satellite television who argue that terrorist operations are only a reaction, provoked by the atrocities committed by the Americans and Israelis in Palestine, Afghanistan, Kashmir and Iraq.
An example of Christian self-critique with a article from a Christian publication attacking George Bush’s (commonly seen as a staunch Christian) policy on the treatment of detainees (most of whom are Muslim).
An article claiming that French women, who have converted to Islam, are being recruited for Jihād. In an interview, Pope Shenouda III answers questions about the Coptic Orthodox Church’s stance towards expatriate Copts and the conference they were to hold to discuss persecution of Copts in Egypt....
Ayman al-Zawāhrī, has allegedly written to Abu Mus‘ab al-Zarqāwī, the Jordanian-born chief of the al-Qā‘ida organization in Iraq stating that the organization’s goal must be to set up an Islamic caliphate in Iraq.
Though there were claims that the book itself was authored by prominent members of al-Qā’ida, it is actually a compilation of handpicked speeches, written and TV interviews and statements translated from Arabic into French.
George W. Bush, president of the United States of America, officially a secular state, says he is driven with a mission from God to end the tyranny in Iraq and to fight terrorists in Afghanistan.
Common misconceptions amongst Muslims are unfairly attributed to Islam. They exaggerate and go as far as forbidding things that were not forbidden by Allāh such as keeping dogs in their houses; using derivatives of pigs and wine and even blood transfusion.


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