Displaying 471 - 480 of 517.
Outraged Lebanese students held a sit-in in Beirut on July 20 to protest Egypt’s banning of the classic book "The Prophet" by the late Lebanese-American author Gibran Khalil Gibran. One week later, AFP reported (erroneously according to the Office of the Censor) that information Minister Safwat...
[Compilation from wires from various agencies] Muslims shuttered themselves indoors on the orders of clerics and others flocked to mosques Wednesday as earthquakes and an unseasonable hailstorm intensified eclipse unease in the Middle East.
"Power to Change" was the theme of the World YWCA’s 29th council in Cairo. Throughout the conference, Egypt was acknowledged as an excellent example of co-operation between Muslims and Christians by encouraging to work together in all fields of voluntary work.
Dr. Emara says Maronite Christians thoroughly admire all things Western and are not able to get the Muslim Arabs around them to do the same and they are seeking to gain their independence from them. Emara claims Israel has a plan to penetrate the Arab world by fomenting civil wars through the...
The 25 million-member World Council of Young Women’s Christian Association, YWCA, called upon the international community to implement the United Nations’ resolutions, which support the sovereignty of Palestine.
Delegations representing 75 Islamic countries and six international Islamic organizations passed recommendations urging greater inter-Islamic cooperation at the conclusion of a four-day conference last Friday [June 25, 1999].
There is a new trend in Israel, which calls for giving up the Israeli identity. This trend calls for giving up the celebration of feasts in Jewish synagogues and holding them in churches. Of course, the Zionists oppose this trend, but they cannot stop it.
The Iranian President Mohammed Khatami opened the conference of the Islamic Parliaments Organization. During the three days of the conference in Tehran, the members of the conference discussed the reality of the Islamic world and its concerns. They also discussed some of the important issues such...
The general conference ended its sessions yesterday with 7 key recommendations.
The Freedom House shows much concern about what is happening in Egypt, China and Vietnam, not paying the least attention to Israel’s practices. Also other groups are mentioned in the article. The conclusion of the author is that there are many slanders, some people are really making money out of...


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