Displaying 671 - 680 of 812.
Pope Shenouda’s secretary denied news about the pope suffering from a blood clot in his foot and this being the reason for his absence from the Wednesday lecture for two weeks. He justified his absence by saying it was to calm the youths’ spirits after the events caused by Al-Nabaa.
Pope Shenouda’s secretary and Bishop Musa stated that Pope Shenouda expressed his gratitude to president Hosni Mubarak and the executive and judiciary authorities for their responses in the recent crisis caused by Al-Nabaa newspaper.
It is really disgusting to read such nonsense that violates logic and reason. It is an attempt to get Christians to lose confidence in their monks and priests. No matter what this Mahran said we do believe in our church, priests and monks.
The French Embassy accepted a request from the Egyptian authorities to deport a French citizen. Alan Barnu, headmaster of Champollion school in Alexandria, is to be deported for committing misdemeanors damaging to public safety.
Catholic father Rafiq Greish, Orthodox archpriest Salib Matta, and Protestant reverend Ikram Lamai responded to Rose El-Youssef’s article "seizing an extremist Christian group" The latter two did not restrict their arguments to the Adventists, but discussed the Catholic Church and popes. The author...
The Muslim Brotherhood want to form a political party to end their series of failed coalitions with other parties. Dr. Essam Al-Erian said that founding a Brotherhood Party was the only way to end the stagnation in the Egyptian political arena.
The Syrian president welcomed Pope Shenouda, the Patriarch of Antioch, the president of the Evangelical Council, the Archbishop of Baalbak and the General Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches. He praised the patriotic stance of Pope Shenouda.
A representative of Pope Shenouda declared that more than seven Jewish groups had managed to penetrate the Egyptian Church. He said that these groups arrived in Egypt in the name of Jesus Christ, something the Egyptian authorities permit. They are propagating Judaism and the building of a temple...
Dr. John Watson, a consultant to the Archbishop of Canterbury on Coptic affairs, said that there are very few people, in the West, who know a lot about Islam. People in the West usually say that al-Islambuli murdered Sadat and that sheikh Omar Abdel Rahman is Islam. Dr. Watson said he taught...
The article touches upon the achievements of Pope Shenouda during his 30 years of being a Patriarch. He applied the church law which states that the Bishopric inherits bishops and not the Patriarchy. He also allowed promotion of fathers to bishops according to who deserves it without limiting it...


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