Displaying 411 - 420 of 772.
Before, the British only knew Muslims as people whom they governed. Today they are living in British cities alongside locals. It is important to note that while Christians in Lebanon are native citizens, Muslims in Britain have come from foreign countries and are not yet completely assimilated....
Muslim organizations in Germany unified under one umbrella, just as happened earlier in France. Some 40 out of 50 Islamic organizations met in Hamburg and decided to unite and cooperate to make the Muslim community in Germany stronger to deal with the state on bases of more respect, representation...
After Marion Boyd, former member of the New Democratic Party in the Canadian province of Ontario, had issued a recommendation allowing the application of the provisions of Islamic sharī‘a [law], a row was triggered in predominantly French Quebec with an outcry by feminist associations that viewed...
An Egyptian dā‘iya was sentenced to 15 months of imprisonment for writing a book deemed as a violation to the constitutional rights of women in Spain.
A London-based fundamentalist center revealed that Britain’s Home Office has turned down a political asylum application by an Egyptian Islamist affiliated with the banned al-Jamā‘a al-Islāmīya [Islamic Group].
A French university council meets next October to discuss the hijāb issue inside colleges in the aftermath of a recent decision by the University of Paris X-Nanterre, one of the most famous in France, to have hijāb-wearing students inspected during exams.
Muslims in the West have reached 40% of the total Muslim population forming 1.5 billion of world population. They have become politically, economically and socially influential in all societies they live in. In addition, they play a major role in correcting the image of Islam.
“My veil is my identity,” a new book by Véronique Giro, a professor of Spanish and researcher Eve Santomir [The names are transliterated from Arabic, we have not found them on the internet, we are not certain of the spelling in the original language] that presents a new vision of the story of two...
In a serious attempt to bridge the gap between Muslims and non-Muslims in the United States and to show the true nature of Islam, which has been severely attacked in the aftermath of September 11 attacks, news agencies announced launching the first English speaking Islamic channel transmission...
No one knows her exact name: Dorris Gluck, Regina Hoffman or Sara Altman. May be all those names are fake but the sure thing was that she authored a book titled “I was married to a mujahid” telling her story with her husband Reda Siam, alias Abu Omar, a kind Egyptian young man who ascended from...


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