Displaying 251 - 260 of 363.
Watani International spoke to Bishop Bīshūy about ecumenical dialogue. He discusses the development of Christian dialogue and points that the different churches have come to agreements on over the years.
A telephone conversation with Wiliyam Wīṣā (Dr.) regarding the Coptic conference held in Virginia, USA for the renewal of the Coptic work abroad.
Rev. Nasr Allah Zakariā, editor-in-chief of al- Hudá Evangelical Magazine, comments on the book Kunt Urthūdhuksyyan wa al-Ān Ubsir; Bahth Kitābī Tārīkhī Taqsī ‘an ‘Ibādat al-Asnām fī al- Kanīsah al-Urthudhuksīyah’ [I was Orthodox but now I see; a Biblical historical and Ritual Research on Idolatry...
Al -Kalimah Center for Human Rights has prepared a study calling on the government to recognize that Copts’ are a minority and that they are subject to persecution in Egypt. Pope Shenouda refused to read the study when it was presented to him.
The author sheds light on the sufferings religious and factional minorities undergo in Arab countries and warns against the consequences.
Pope Shenouda puts an end to the dispute over a church in Rosetta and orders it to be handed over to the justice in charge after the judicial decision.
The author sheds light on the Coptic museum in Cairo. The museum contains a collection of rare valuable books and antique icons.
Zākhir discusses the dimensions of the conflict between the church and the laymen trend by shedding light on some of the reasons which have led to severe attacks against the laymen and their policy.
Dr. Kamāl Mūsá sheds light on the experience of the laymen in the Coptic Orthodox community.
Wafā’ Wasfī sheds light on the most significant events the Coptic Orthodox Church witnessed in 2008.


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