Displaying 671 - 680 of 836.
The U.S. plays an important role in the formation of Egyptian policy since the latter began receiving U.S. aid regardless of what the regime claims of its independence decision and sovereignty.
Mu‘taz Billāh ‘Abd al-Fattāh discusses the difference between liberalism and secularism.
Nabīl ‘Abd al-Malik suspects that certain articles of the Egyptian constitution will be amended while others will be left untouched. He believes that a whole integrated constitution has to be established to follow a unified political philosophy that respects the rights of all citizens, especially...
Muhammad al-Mu‘tasim writes about the possibility of a Christian being elected as president.
The stand of the judge’s club against appointing female judges shocked civil and feminist trends which believe that this stand is contrary to the principle of judge’s independency. It also violates the Egyptian constitution and the international charters.
After the Muslim Brotherhood announced their plan to change the ‘banned’ group into a legal political party, many voices were raised in an evaluation of the group’s role in the political life throughout its history.
‘Abīr Salāh al- Dīn discusses a recent fatwá concerning the wife’s right to prevent her husband from traveling.
The review deals with Minister of Culture Fārūq Husnī’s latest remarks in which he termed the Ḥijāb to be "a relapse backward," drawing public controversy and anger in parliament where the ruling party, the opposition and independents agreed on the need to have the minister tender his...
This review discusses political responses to Fārūq Husnī’s controversial statements on the Ḥijāb.
Majdī Khalīl discusses the forced disappearance of Coptic girls. The claims around this phenomenon are not new, however it is being announced more frequently. Khalīl discusses the reasons why Coptic families are more often daring to announce the disappearance of their girls, and the reasons behind...


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