Displaying 391 - 400 of 484.
Summary of the Ph.D. thesis of Revd. Dr. Wolfram Reiss about the Sunday School movement in the Coptic Orthodox Church with a focus on the role of Pope Shenouda III and Father Matta el-Meskeen and the place of the church in a Muslim society. Reiss´ study provides an excellent insight into the...
Many Christians believe God reveals Himself through visions to mankind. The Bible is full of this and the apostle Peter says: “And it shall come to pass in the last days… your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams” [Acts 2:17]. And thus Orthodox, Pentecostals and other...
Secretary General of the Arab League announced that the Arab League intends to propose a plan to church leaders in Egypt aiming at facing the allegations of Zionist Christianity. He stressed that those who adopt this extremist religious theory seek to achieve political gains that will cause...
Excommunication is the capital punishment that can be handed down to a clergyman, if he committed an irrecoverable mistake. A priest said that there is no written ecclesiastical law for excommunication, which means that it is a punishment that is left to the judgment of the bishops.
Pope Shenouda III announced that he had deposed a monk, a deacon and a number of consecrated women and stripped them of their ecclesiastical ranks because they formed a group that deviated from the teachings of Christianity. They consider the pope an unbeliever and claimed that they are the true...
Because of the criticism in the Egyptian press on Coptic migrants we continued our overview of contributions on the Copts Daily Digest (see for the first overview RNSAW, 2002, week 14A, art. 11). Many responses in the Digest are strongly polarizing.
The article explains the beliefs and history of the Mormon Church, founded by Joseph Smith in 1830. Christian clergymen refuted the beliefs of the Mormons and said that they have nothing to do with Christianity. There are about 30 foreign Mormons in Maadi district in Egypt. They asked to be members...
Dr. Milad Hanna (77), a much respected Coptic thinker and politician in Egypt who was awarded the UNESCO Simon Bolivar prize for his efforts in intercultural dialogue, was severely attacked by some Coptic activists in the Copts Daily Digest after his visit with Dr. Kamal Abul-Magd to Washington DC...
Michael Mounir, representative of the Copts in America, published an article on the Internet. He mentioned that the government demolished a wall around a plot of land that was assigned for building a church in Al-Abour city. Mounir sent a fax to Bishop Marcos of Shoubra Al-Kheima to protest the...
The domination of the pope on the Millī Council and its candidates is the subject of criticism by the author of the article.


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