Displaying 121 - 130 of 227.
Father Mattá al- Miskīn is attacked by many conservative figures of the Coptic Orthodox Church. The text highlights some of the father’s liberal ideology concerning traditions of the Church.
The Orthodox church continues its war against dissenting priests at its annual conference on orthodox doctrine.
Discussing freedom of expression, mixing this with other interests such as in the conversion of Māhir al-Jawharī.Coptic author Robeir al- Faris’ comments on statements of prominent politician Dr. Mustafa al-Fiqi on the place of Copts in Egypt. Church efforts to ban certain publications. Many young...
In this article the author tries to analyze bishop Bīshūy’s stance against him and other key Orthodox figures by quoting an email written by Dr. George Habīb Bibawi.
This article shows that bishop Bīshūy does not like the approach of Rose al- Yūsuf newspaper and wants Copts to boycott it, which is viewed by Copts as reversion in the church’s reform.
The article discusses the critical challenges facing the Coptic Orthodox church, especially with regard to Bishop Bīshūy’s attitude and the conference for doctrine affirmation.
The author notes that the recent conference on orthodox doctrine has sparked a “conference war” between the mother Orthodox Church, laymen and Max Michel.
The recent intensive conference seminars, which were supposed to be on doctrine, attacked several Coptic figures and church symbols, including as Father Mattá al-Maskīn, father Ibrāhīm ‘Abd al- Sayyid and Max Michel.
During the sessions of the ninth Orthodox Doctrine Conference in al-Fayyūm, Bishop Bīshūy presented a paper in which he drew a common line between the thoughts of Father Mattá al-Maskīn and Max Michel. He accused both of apostasy and breaking away from the Orthodox doctrine.
The author in this series of articles criticizes Archbishop Bīshūy, the Secretary of the Coptic Orthodox Holy Synod, and refutes the top clergyman’s claims about him, demanding that a trial to be held for himself and Archbishop Bīshūy instead of leaving "this authoritarian way of thinking" to...


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