Displaying 41 - 45 of 45.
The author calls the charges Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim “patently trumped-up.” His Ibn Khaldun Institute produced documentaries about discrimination against Egypt´s Coptic Christian minority and urged citizens to participate in the country´s parliamentary elections despite the massive fraud that...
At the conference called "Seeing is a right for all," which was held at the Ministry of Health, the Grand Imam and the Mufti said they agreed to the transplantation or donation of body organs as long as this was done legally and agreed upon by doctors. They quoted many Qur’anic verses to support...
The Muslim Brotherhood on Tuesday dispatched a two-man team to Syria to meet with Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas, leaders in a bid to come up with a "formula" to end the deadlock between the government and the Palestinian group, a spokesman of the movement said.
The Jordanian Penal Code is a license to kill for reasons of values and breaking rules of chastity. Under what absurd right do we allow men to be the moral arbiters and executioners of female relatives bestowing on them legal protection under the guise of extenuating circumstances?
Strange religious and non-religious groups with very strange and potentially dangerous ideas concerning the dawning of the third millennium after Christ are beginning to be become known. This article is a summary of an article downloaded by the newspaper off California Net.


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