Displaying 1481 - 1490 of 2331.
In 1992, Cairo witnessed the first ‘Conference on the Problems of Bias,’ which concluded the main features of a “theory of bias.” In March 2007, Cairo witnessed the secondconference on bias, ‘The International Conference for Dialogue between Civilizations and the Different Tracks of Knowledge.’ The...
Comments on Father Christian van Nispen’s book ‘Christians and Muslims: Brothers before God,’ Several articles about article two of the Egyptian Constitution.
The authors have developed a new transliteration system for Arab-West Report that will facilitate the search functions in the Electronic Documentation Center under construction and the work of students and scholars who need to know how names are spelled in Arabic. Readers are invited to respond if...
The murder of 47-year-old Dutch director Theo Van Gogh in Amsterdam by Muhammad Bouyeri, a young Muslim of Moroccan descent, sparked a wave of violence and tensions against Muslims.  
Wagih Kawthrani called Bernard Lewis and Muhammad Emara "two faces of the same coin" in the belief that Islām is not compatible with separation between religion and state. Emara and similar minded people believe large segments of Western Christians are anti-Muslim. Father Marcos’ opinion on ’True...
Two visits to Holy Family locations, Deir Abū Hinnis and Sakha and Samannud, organized by AWR.Report on a Dutch TV crew taken to a policestation for filming without permition about Dutch citizen Ingrid Trakzel who divorced her Egyptian husband and fight to regain custody over her daughter.Several...
The Egyptian government has recently released a thousand members of Al-Gama'a Al-Islamiya on the occasion of the anniversary of the October 6 war. Significantly, Karam Zuhdi, leader of the group, Fou'ad Muhammad Al-Dawalibi, and Essam Abdel-Magd, members of the Shura Council of the group, have also...
Changes to improve the AWR.
Missio report titled “Christian persecution?”Media attention for RNSAW work. Media critique on a press release by the US Copts Association about problems around church restoration in the village of Shutb, 5 km Sawth of Assiut.
Critique on Jewish scholar Dr. Bat Ye’or’s article about Jihad.


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