Displaying 1811 - 1820 of 2331.
Program of the visit of former Dutch prime minister Andreas van Agt to AWR.
Discussion at the AUC about news ethics and objectivity, moderated by Drs. Hulsman. The importance of translation for intercultural understanding. Critique on an article that claims Copts are raped, murdered and persecuted because of their religion.
Discussion on “Freedom of expression and respect for ‘the other’ How to respond if one is offended?” organized by CIDT and Al-Sawy Cultural Wheel. Request for NGO Status, decision again postponed. Dr. Maurice Assad, former assistant secretary-general of the MECC and friend of AWR, passed away....
A 19-year-old student at the Secretary Institute, Teresa Ghattās Kāmil Girgis, has been reported missing by her older brother, who accuses Mu‘tazz Muhammad Mutwallī of being behind his sister’s disappearance.
Articles that examine the reasons for the success of political Islam. Article claiming Israeli involvement in the sinking of the al-Salām 98 ferry, in which over 1000 people lost their lives.
The domination of the pope on the Millī Council and its candidates is the subject of criticism by the author of the article.
Incidents around the Coptic Orthodox Church of al-Udaysāt. Preparations for the visit of former Dutch Prime Minister van Agt to AWR in May.
A discussion of homosexuality and Egyptian law taken from a bachelor’s thesis on Egyptian law.
AWR’s American intern writes about 220 years of religious freedom in the U.S., arguing that one standard must be applied to all.
CIDT organizes a discussion on the subject “Freedom of expression and respect for ‘the other’. How to respond if one is offended?” AWR providing examples of both Muslim and Christian polemics. Former Dutch Prime Minister Prof. Dr. Andreas Van Agt is visiting Egypt in May to launch the Center for...


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