Displaying 851 - 860 of 2332.
Seeking to keep the case of their father in front of the public eye, the family of the Blind Shaykh, ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Rahmān, organized another conference at the site of their open sit-in across from the American Embassy.  
One of the interesting subplots to the Egyptian revolution is the fate of ‘Umar ‘Abd al-Rahmān, known as the Blind Shaykh, who is incarcerated in America for his role in organizing the 1993 attempt to blow up the World Trade Center. His family has maintained a small sit-in protest outside the US...
The majority of articles containing Coptic population figures were not published in several major English-language newspapers until after 1956.
  A state of panic is gripping Coptic physicians in the Upper Egyptian governorate of al-Minya after thee of them were kidnapped and others threatened by an unidentified gang that contacts them and threaten them of kidnapping if they failed to pay a ransom of LE100,000-LE120,000.  
In The Name Of God Most Gracious Merciful Dear Dr. Hulsman, Thank you so much for all your sincere efforts and keenness to reach the truth and propagate it. I also appreciate your alertness to ability to not and distinguish between the truth and falsehood or alleged distortions of the truth. I am...
Dutch scholar Johannes Jansen contributed an essay – ‘The Religious Roots of Muslim Violence’ – to a 2011 anthology entitled, ‘Terrorism: Ideology, Law, and Policy’. In it he makes the case that violence and terrorism are part and parcel of the Islamic religion, traceable to its root sources at...
[The interview was carried out by Cornelis Hulsman, the transcript was made by Fidel Bartholdy]
Polemics are poison to interfaith relations. Unfortunately the salve of dialogue and cooperation often fails to make as wide an impression, leaving wary religious communities under the assumption of mutual opposition. Polemics reduces ambiguity and nuance, allowing the non-specialist citizen to...
The following is the most recent information available regarding the investigation of the NGOs that were raided in Egypt. AWR has followed the news regarding NGO status in Egypt closely and will keep our readers informed of any information that we receive regarding this matter. A brief explanation...
On February 1st, Elizabeth Kendal, an international religious liberty analyst and advocate, published an article titled, “Egypt: The Gross Insecurity of the Dhimmī,” for Assist News Service (ANS), an online publication based out of California. Her goal in the article is to advocate for the...


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