Date of source: Thursday, June 30, 2011
Two news reports have stoked sectarian tensions in Upper Egypt in recent weeks. The first involves two young Coptic girls who were allegedly kidnapped and forced to convert to Islam. The second involves a protest at a church were Muslims reportedly threatened to kill the priest...
There is a...
Date of source: Thursday, June 30, 2011
Former enemies in a bitter sectarian conflict, Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye now work together for peace between their respective Muslim and Christian communities in Nigeria. They recently held a pair of peacebuilding workshops in Cairo hosted by CAWU....
There is a full-text...
Date of source: Thursday, June 30, 2011
The article is not meant to give a direct answer to the headline question. Rather, it seeks to clarify all meanings related to fanaticism, hard-line orientations and extremism, which all stand at loggerheads with the concept of tolerance.
There is a full-text available for this summary if you...
Date of source: Saturday, June 25, 2011
Last week, an Amsterdam court found Dutch politican Geert Wilders not guilty of inciting hatred against Muslims. AWR Chief Editor Cornelis Hulsman argues that Wilders' inflammatory statements about Islam should not be protected by Dutch law.
There is a full-text available for this summary if...
Date of source: Thursday, June 23, 2011
During the visit by Nigerian Imam Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye to Egypt on June 12-17 to hold a workshop titled Sectarianism, Dialogue and Tolerance, in association with the Center for Intercultural Dialogue and Translation (CIDT), a meeting was arranged for them with Bishop Yuhannā Qultah...
Date of source: Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Center for Arab-West Understanding hosted a workshop featuring Imām Muhammad Ashafa and Pastor James Wuye in Alexandria, June 13-14, 2011, and in Cairo June 15-16, 2011.
The workshop was about peace-building and preventing future sectarian troubles between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
Date of source: Saturday, June 11, 2011
How popular is the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood? As AWR's Jayson Casper points out, we may only know for sure after this fall's election....
Date of source: Sunday, June 5, 2011
Some Egyptian Christian emigrants have always been parroting during the former regime's time that they could not come to Egypt to convene meetings and forums for dialogue over the Christian citizens' cares and problems as well as discrimination and challenges facing equality in Egypt.
Date of source: Friday, June 3, 2011
Is Islam responsible for the recent increase in sectarian violence against Coptic Christians? AWR Chief Editor Cornelis Hulsman responds in this week's editorial.
Date of source:
Sanne Lundberg’s thesis was about the strong Coptic Christian perception of being discriminated, the interplay of this belief with religious beliefs, as well as