Displaying 31 - 37 of 37.
Egypt´s most well-known human rights activist, Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, is now censored by his wife to keep him out of prison. The judge decided to reopen the case against Ibrahim and to set him free pending a new sentence.
Professors at the AUC responded in utter amazement to the sentence against their colleague Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim. His arrest and sentence to seven years prison was preceded by much negative press that should have served as a warning that something was going wrong. A personal friend of Ibrahim...
[The title is a mistake of the editor. Ibrahim is not Coptic. The proposed title was: Egypt´s reputation endangered.] The arrest of Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim was preceded by an extremely negative Egyptian press. It seemed as if this functioned as a warning for worse to come. People close to...
Population growth of 2.3 %, increasing poverty and a deadly Islamic terror. Dr. Usama el-Baz, political advisor of President Mubarak, expects fundamentalism to disappear in a few years time but Dr. Saad Eddin Ibrahim, political sociologist at the American University in Cairo does not believe this.
[The article of Muhammad Shebl in October, September 15, resulted in an article in the Dutch Daily Trouw] While Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Dutch political scientist of Somali origin, received death threats because of her untraditional convictions about Islam, Egyptians discuss freedom of religion. This is...
Theories are discussed as to the success of peaceful cooperation between Muslims and Christians in Bani Suwayf, Upper Egypt.
An article on the RNSAW which appeared in the Catholic News Service.


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