Displaying 141 - 150 of 210.
Hulsman wrote an article about the shooting in Upper Egypt for the Reformatorisch Dagblad. The church editor changed it substantially and added material from other sources. Hulsman has, therefore, added some comments in the text. Hulsman also gave a radio interview on January 7 to the Dutch radio 1...
Bishop Marqus, Coptic Orthodox Bishop of Shubrā-al-Khaymah held an interview with the Cairo-based Danish photo-journalist Flemming Weiss Andersen and Jayson Casper, the international coordinator for the ZIVIC peacemaking initiative at the Center for Arab West Understanding (CAWU). During the...
In the second part of his interview with al-Jumhūrīyah, Pope Shenouda discusses Copts’ political participation and the problem of building churches in Egypt. He also notes his friendly relations with President Mubārak and argues that problems never come from higher political authorities.
Rev. Safwat al-Bayyādī presents his views on peacemaking through education, training, and personal involvement. He also discusses the value of religious initiatives to promote peace. Article full text: On November 18, 2009 I had a chance to interview Rev. Safwat al-Bayyādī, President of the...
A group of Arab West Report’s interns visited Minia on January 30-31 in order to follow the latest developments concerning the incidents of Abū Fānā monastery. They were particularly interested in developments related to the criminal aspect of the conflict.
Arab-West Report interns and Sebastian Elsaesser, a German researcher went to Abū Fānā monastery in the district of Mallawi, Upper Egypt in order to visit the monastery, see the Arabs’ land and look at the new fence that has been constructed since the conflict of May 31, 2008.
On September 9 Maria Graversen visited Dayr Mawas and conducted an interview with ‘Alā’ Hassānayn to discuss his role in resolving the Abū Fānā conflict.
Cornelis Hulsman interviewed Munīr Fakhrī ‘Abd al-Nūr and discussed Christian emigration from Egypt, the need to build up Egypt into a democratic state again and the importance of dealing with Egyptian problems within Egypt and not as a result of foreign interference.
Sāmih Fawzī discusses Egypt’s emigration problem, the need for greater transparency and Coptic expatriates. He also calls on Christians to be active players in Egyptian society andbelieves that in the modern age socio-economic factors are more of a uniting force than religion.
Dr. Philippe Fargues is a researcher and professor at the American University of Cairo who has investigated the complicated issue of Christian statistics in Egypt. While Pope Shenouda states that around 12 percent of the Egyptian population is Christian, CAPMAS estimates that the figure is actually...


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