Displaying 181 - 190 of 210.
CSI’s focus on defending the religious freedom of persecuted Christians seems to lead them to very quickly interpret any incident, or rumor of an incident, as persecution. As a response, the author suggests that, rather than sending protest letters to the respective governments, international...
Cornelis Hulsman and Michael Meunier first met on July 1, 1999. Meunier followed a very aggressive tone of questioning but in the end they agreed to exchange information. It was Hulsman´s aim to engage in dialogue. He sent lots of background reports the RNSAW had produced on July 7. Meunier...
Press release of the US Copts Association about the decision of the governor of Assiut instructing to remove an illegally built section of the church which the association does not mention and thereby providing only part of the information (see art. 13 and 14) needed to form an accurate picture of...
Dr. Gawdat Gabra will be teaching a course on Coptic Monasticism in the Spring semester at the American University in Cairo (AUC). The course provides a general survey of Coptic monasticism.
The transcript of an interview with Bishop Marcos of Shubrā al-Khaymā about the rules regarding the succession of a pope, church and politics, Father Matā al-Miskīn and other subjects.
MEMRI´s translations show the Arabic media becomes more polarized but MEMRI does not explain the background of this polarization nor compares this with the Hebrew media which is probably not less polarized
"We plead with you as Christian leaders, who are concerned about both Palestinians and Israelis and with the future of their children, to help both sides equally implement peace and justice."
Adam Shapiro is a Jewish pacifist who believes he serves a purpose in life by being a human shield. He belongs to the “internationals,” as they call themselves and oppose violence of any kind. They do not condone Palestinian suicide bombings, just as they do not condone Israeli military assaults on...
This article opposes the use of the phrase ´Islamic terror.´ There is a lot of spin, and the media takes it for granted. Islamic Terror exists in the same way and to the same extent as the Jewish Conspiracy and Yellow Peril. In other words, none of them exist.
Memories of Rev. Dr. Otto Meinardus.


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