Displaying 81 - 90 of 211.
“Art is the language of the entire human personality.”-Naguib Mahfouz Driven by an interesting childhood in Senegal, he strives to build bridges using art. Paul-Gordon Chandler will leave Egypt this summer after leading St. John’s Church in Maadi for over ten years. Where he will go, he is not sure...
This interview was held on March 3, 2013 with the participation of researcher Jayson Casper and research assistant Diana Serôdio. It aimed at grasping Dr. Nadīyah Mustafá's perspective on the process through which the new Constitution came into being. The content of this interview was later used...
This interview was organized and carried out by Diana Serodio (DS) and took place March 5th 2013 with Diana Serodio (DS) and Fouad Masoud attending. This interview was carried out in the context of us preparing a report on how the new Egyptian Constitution came into being.
These interviews were organized by Cornelis Hulsman and took place, the first, on March 25th with Cornelis Hulsman (CH), Jayson Casper (JC), and Diana Serodio (DS) attending; the second on April 8th with Diana Serôdio alone. These interviews were made in the context of us preparing a report on how...
On February 20, 2013, Cornelis Hulsman, Diana Serodio, and Jayson Casper met with George Masīḥah to gain his perspective for an upcoming book Arab West Report will write on the crafting of the Egyptian constitution. Masīḥah is a member of al-Wafd Party and was added to the Constituent Assembly as a...
Transcript of an interview with Dr. Essam Al-Haddad on government efforts to stabilize the country since this is a pre-requisite to get Egypt out of its current economic difficulties. Thus questions addressed much repeated critiques on the Mursī administration.
As a minority within a state dominated by Muslims, Coptic Christians are regularly pictured in Western media as “the oppressed community”. Although a certain degree of discrimination is practiced against Egyptian Christians in their country, Arab-West Report has found that reports on cases when...
Egypt is not Lebanon. Though the political transition leads increasingly to polarization and bouts of violence, almost no one seriously warns of a fate resembling Lebanon in the 1970-80s. Lebanon is a conglomeration of religious sects concentrated in distinct geographical areas and topographical...
On February 4 the International Crisis Group presented a Conflict Alert about Egypt. The analysis is good but yet some comments can and should be made:ICG:It is difficult to know which is most dangerous: the serious uptick in street violence; President Morsi’s and the Muslim Brotherhood’s serial...
  On Friday, the 25th I was in Tahrir for many hours meeting people and discussing the future of Egypt. I saw a few young men with faces covered in black. “These belong to the Black Bloc,” George Missīhah said, who had led a march from his hometown, Qanātir to Tahrir. This is a new group, fighters...


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