Displaying 101 - 106 of 106.
Because of the criticism in the Egyptian press on Coptic migrants we continued our overview of contributions on the Copts Daily Digest (see for the first overview RNSAW, 2002, week 14A, art. 11). Many responses in the Digest are strongly polarizing.
A discussion of the concepts of sin and shame in Martin Lomen’s study "Sünde und Schande im biblischen und islamischen Kontext: Ein ethno-hermeneutischer Beitrag zum christlich-muslimischen Dialog” [Sin and shame in the biblical and Islamic context: An ethnic-hermeneutic contribution to Christian-...
The report of the committee headed by Dr. Jamāl al-‘Utayfī on the al-Khankah sectarian events in 1972 is excellent. Many of its recommendations, have however, not been followed up thoroughly with the consequence that many of the factors that played a role in the tensions in 1972 still play a role...
A source working with al-Hayat-TV in Egypt informed us that al-Hayat does not receive hate-mail despite sarcastic or offensive remarks about Islam in the program "Questions in Faith." The story of the unburned Bible in the SAT-7 studio has been popping up every now and then but has all appearance...
Text of a lecture for students and professors of different faculties at the University of Copenhagen, November 3, 2004, about plans to establish the Center for Arab-West Understanding in Cairo, Egypt. The text explains that intercultural tensions do exist but can be combated with good information.
The Center for Arab-West Understanding (CAWU) aims at setting up a web based Electronic Documentation Center (EDC) for contemporary information covering Arab-West and Muslim-Christian relations with academic standards which can be used for specialized research on the themes covered in Arab-West...


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