Displaying 21 - 30 of 33407.
Dr. Maḥmūd al-Hawwārī, Assistant Secretary-General of the Islamic Research Academy, said a new type of atheism has emerged recently, which he referred to as “vogue atheism,” because he believes that the sole aim of this group of atheists is to attract attention.  
Talk show host ʿAmr Adīb said that he would arrange a debate between researcher Islām al-Buḥayrī, one of the founding members of the Arab Intellect Taqueen (Takwīn), and Islamic preacher ʿAbullah Rushdī, to discuss the ideas of the foundation that has recently been sparking controversy.
Grand Imām of al-Azhar, Dr. Aḥmad al-Ṭayyīb, received Dr. ʿAmr Rashīd, Chairman of the board of directors of the Egyptian Ambulance Organization (EAO), at al-Azhar headquarters. Dr. Ṭayyīb praised the EAO’s role in the relief of injured Palestinians in the Gaza Strip, which has been under...
Archbishop of al-Minyā, Anbā Makāryūs, has been given the nickname the ‘Honest Pastor’ following his visit to the village of al-Fawākhir after the assault on his congregation, where three houses were set alight and more were looted.
The Church of the Holy Sepulcher in the Old City of Jerusalem announced that it is not holding celebrations this year due to the “barbaric” war being waged by the occupation forces in Gaza.
In celebration of the Feast of Resurrection, Pope Tawāḍrūs is leading the Easter mass today (Saturday) evening at Saint Mark’s Cathedral in the Cairo district of al-ʿAbbāsīya.
Following the Easter celebrations, Christian churches across Egypt are celebrating Khamāsīn, or the Holy Fifty Days. Between now and the Pentecost, which falls on June 23, the churches are marking this festival with joyful music and decorations of white curtains and roses.
Al-Azhar revealed that it has set up a center to confront atheism and irreligiousness. This was done after the formation of the Takwīn network that brought together a host of elite intellectuals to discuss religious and cultural issues, which has caused controversy on social media with some saying...
Writer Yūsuf Zīdān commented on the recent controversy surrounding the Takwīn foundation, which launched its annual conference on Saturday (May 4).
To the sound of the hymns of “Sunday Dawn,” “The Resurrection,” and other songs, a boat sailed on cruise of the Nile on which there was a group of priests, tourism investors, and university professors, as well as representatives of Egyptian communities who lived abroad, to inaugurate a new...


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