Displaying 1 - 10 of 49.
January 6th, 2021, rioters approached the Capitol Hill in an unprecedented event, rioters identified as pro-Trump supporters protesting the ratification of President-elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory over President Trump in the 2020 election. The protesters first breached exterior...
Report of an intern meeting on July 26, 2016, with Olivia Keller and Willem Helbing about their experiences in Lesvos (Lesbos) in respectively November 2015 and July 2016. The two experiences show a huge difference before and after the European-Turkey agreement of March 20, 2016. This text was...
Arab-West Report translated the lecture of Prof. Dr. Hans Achterhuis, who maintains that the crushing of the violent rule of the Anabaptists in the city of Munster in 1534 and 1535 resulted in the development of peaceful movement, which today are known under the names of Mennonites, Amish or...
Preface by Cornelis Hulsman: In 1997 I started making press overviews on issues related to Muslim-Christian relations and founded the Religious News Service from the Arab World which later was renamed Arab-West Report. Between June 13, 1997 and July 11, 1998 I collected articles from al-Muslimoon...
On September 18th, we met in the Christian Reformed Church of Den Haag in the Netherlands Mrs. Rekaya al-Hafi [Rūqaīya al-Ḥāfī] from Tunisia. She is preparing for participation in the Tunisian presidential elections of 2019. She is going into the elections as a humanitarian activist, and works on...
These are edited remarks from Matthew Anderson's public dissertation defense at Georgetown University on May 22, 2018, presented to Arab-West Report at the request of Cornelis Hulsman who was in attendance.    
Background: ʿAmru al-Miṣrī is an Egyptian journalist who works for the Middle East News Agency (MENA), the official Egyptian news agency. He was the agency’s correspondent in Ankara between 2013 and 2016. He arrived in Cairo a week before this interview (17.07.2016) that was conducted two days...
Arab-West Report extends its condolences to the family and friends of the victims in the March 22 and March 27 terrorist attacks in Brussels and Lahore, as well as to all Belgians and Pakistanis. The terrorist attack at Zaventem Airport and Maalbeek Metro station in Brussels claimed the lives of 34...
Keith Black, teacher of physics and mathematics, most recently at the Maadi Community School in Maadi, Cairo, presented with his wife Morag two films of Nicky Gumbel on the Holy Spirit. Prof. Mahmoud Khayyal, Cornelis Hulsman and some interns were attending.
1. The attacks in context. 2. The attacks in Egyptian Media 3. The talk of the town.


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