Displaying 21 - 30 of 473.
After the negative tune of last week, naturally people were happy this week. The day that will for a long time remain unforgettable in every memory can be seen and heard in all the contributions of this week, and especially in the images shown in articles 3 and 20.  
    CIDT's Osama al-Ghazouly argues that the global Muslim reaction to alleged Western offenses is improving, but that some figures are still keen on creating the perception of conflict....    
      As Muhammad al-Barad‘ī's "National Association Change" calls for an election boycott, CIDT's Osama al-Ghazouly looks ahead to the likely participants of November's Egyptian parliamentary election...
Editorial for Week 18.
Editorial for Week 17.
 Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights releases a new report:  Two Years of Sectarian Violence: What happened? Where do we begin? An Analytical Study of Jan 2008 -Jan 2010
On religious satellite channels in Egypt.
 Controversy as Muhammad aal-Barādi‘ī attends the Easter Mass at the Coptic Orthodox Cathedral in cAbbasīyah.
 AWR publishes new multimedia content, and the demise of IslamOnline.


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