Displaying 281 - 290 of 473.
A report on Muslim-Christian relations, presented by Episcopal Bishop Munīr in a lecture. Comment on Metropolitan Seraphim for critiquing a bishop from another church without first consulting him.
Rick Anderson could not find the quote Ma´ali Abdel-Hamid Hamouda gave in al-Wafd (AWR, week 4). She probably remembered a text she had read some time ago, paraphrased it and presented this as a quote.
Meeting with an Egyptian official to discuss the application for NGO status.
Discussions in Arab media on interpretation of the Islamic sharīa.Excellent interview with Pope Shenouda about sensitive topics.Dr. Hassan Wagīh about religious discourse and Western media taking verses of the Holy Qur’ān out of context.
Comments and discussions on conversions. Attention and appreciation for AWR work.
Egypt’s Mufti Dr. Alī Juma reviewing four major Islamic institutions in Egypt. Strained relations between the Vatican and Israel after the pope failed to mention Israel in his list of countries that have suffered terrorist attacks recently.
Dr. Otto Meinardus, member of the AWR board of advisors, passed away.
Difficulty to obtain written and well argumented responses in Egypt to biased texts published in the West.
Articles about the Muslim Brotherhood in relation to the forthcoming presidential elections. Egyptian press distrusts the role Islamists play in Egyptian society.
Articles that show internal divisions among Egyptian Christians. Greek Catholic Patriarch Gregorius Laham strongly supports CIDT and AWR.


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