Displaying 1 - 10 of 103.
Between June 6 and 13 a group of students of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at Aachen University, Germany, visited Egypt, obtaining support from the Centre for Arab-West Understanding in organizing their program in Egypt that was entirely focused on the role of religion in Egyptian society,...
The core argument of Coptic Solidarity for accusing him to be an “Agent' of al-Sīsī Government in the US” is that Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) prior to his last visit to the USA. They believe this is sufficient evidence for their claims. It seems...
This article provides an overview of the views of Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī, Coptic Evangelical (Presbyterian) pastor and head of the Protestant Churches of Egypt, based on Arab media reporting as selected and summarized throughout the years by Arab-West Report/Dialogue Across Borders in response to...
Paid text of Coptic Solidarity (USA) in Christian Newswire alleging that Egyptian Christian leader Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī is an ‘agent’ of President al-Sīsī. I have been a subscriber to Christian Newswire for many years now and was shocked to see such an attack on an Egyptian Christian leader by a...
HRH Prince Charles and his wife Camilla are currently visiting Egypt, their first visit to the country in 15 years. Prince Charles is well-known for his work in interfaith dialogue. Prof. Dr. Hassan M. Wageih Hassan [Ḥassan Muḥammad Wajīh Ḥassan], a close friend of Arab-West Report, recalls the...
During the last weeks of March, we witnessed a new development in the attempted thawing of relations between Egypt and Turkey.  Ayman Nour [Ayman Nūr], head of “al-Sharq” television network, announced that he had met with representatives of the Turkish government to discuss “toning down” criticism...
The hitherto little-known village of Qufada [Qufāda] sadly became national news for a local pyramid scheme headed by Hussein Muhammad [Ḥussayn Muḥammad], a trader in tiles who is a member of a big local family. He was known for trading with China and speaks Chinese. Ḥussayn was successful in...
  Recently, we witnessed what many in the Arab World thought would never happen. Some say we witnessed the impossible. Countries once thought of as enemies are becoming allies, and the Palestinian  cause that once unified the Arab world is now fading away. New alliances are formed, others destroyed...
AWR reader Henk Glimmerveen asked us on October 2019 to view the documentary titled “The Valley of Salt,” broadcasted on October 18 by the Evangelische Omroep (EO, Evangelical Broadcasting Company). The parents of the filmmaker, Christophe Magdy Saber [Christophe Majdī Ṣābir], both Coptic...
Dutch Arabist Eildert Mulder refers to a text in Deuteronomy 22:20-21 in relation to a tragic example of honor killing in the occupied Palestinian area. The text in Deuteronomy is part of the laws on sexual relations. The relevant section reads: “13 Suppose a man marries a woman, but after going in...


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