Displaying 71 - 80 of 1884.
“People talk about human rights, but what about God’s rights?” said Pope Tawadros in his sermon on the eve of Coptic Christmas on 6 January. These words, and most others in the same sermon rang hollow, as I recalled the opening lines of chapter thirteen in the book of Corinthians: “If I speak in...
  When Khedive Isma`īl came to power in Egypt, he wanted to establish a modern, elegant and vibrant downtown for Cairo that would rival the urban down towns of Europe. After years of neglect, it seems that both private and government-led initiatives to revive Cairo’s downtown are finally making...
Preliminary results from the first round of parliamentary elections suggested that the electoral coalition 'For the Love of Egypt' ('Fī Hob Misr') has made sweeping gains, with Al-Nūr Party far behind in second place.
The revolution has triggered a profusion of artistic expressions and opened a vigorous struggle between the independent culture players and those in power. Today, the creators find alternative refuges.
One cannot deny truths when the facts are so obvious for everyone. There are those promoting hatred for the revolution as if it were an illegitimate act involving conspiracy against security forces and an undermining of their foundations. Others believe that maligning the revolution would further...
A prominent author in Egypt has been sentenced to three years in prison for contempt of religion.
The Doctors Syndicate is calling for the prosecution of police conscripts accused of brutality against two doctors in the Mataryyia Teaching Hospital, among other demands that will be presented to the Prosecutor General by a delegation heading to his office Sunday noon.
Egypt’s deep state is a bureaucratic theocracy. This network forms the infrastructure of the official government. It is accountable to the doctrines put forth by the powerful Islamic clerics of Al-Ahzar Institute. The religion of Islam, when merged with the state, can better exert Allah’s powerful...
Egypt's interior ministry said that the two militants killed on Wednesday in the Cairo suburb of Ma`ādi were planning attacks in response to the earlier killing of an Agnād Masr militant group leader by authorities.
A hiker has discovered a 3,500-year-old Egyptian seal, which is shaped like a scarab beetle. It is thought to represent Pharaoh Thutmose III, who was considered the 'Napoleon of Egypt' as he captured 350 cities during his 54-year rule in the 15th century BC.


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