Displaying 1 - 10 of 1263.
Arab-West-Journal (AWJ) was an excellent attempt by our forner editor Jenna Ferrecchia to develop a journal to publish original work composed primarily by our undergraduate, graduate, and post-graduate interns, with other contributions from staff and notable authors.   EBSCO showed interest to add...
Cornelis Hulsman is from a conservative Christian Reformed family in the Netherlands but developed a fascination for the Coptic Orthodox Church. He became a member in 1985. Many stories of Christian persecution in Muslim countries come from the Dutch Christian organization Open Doors,  which has an...
On Monday of September the 5th, a special event in anticipation of COP27 took place in American University of Cairo (AUC) under the name of "COP27 and Beyond: Climate Policy and Inclusive Development". It was the second event in a series of events dedicated to the climate change topic that will end...
Prof. Dr. Hassan Wagieh [Ḥassan Wajīh] is a Professor Emeritus, Linguistics Department, Faculty of Languages, at the prestigious Azhar University in Egypt. Prof. Wajīh is a long-time friend of Cornelis Hulsman, editor-in-chief of Arab-West Report/Dialogue Across Borders. In April 2022 Hulsman...
Between June 6 and 13 a group of students of the Faculty of Catholic Theology at Aachen University, Germany, visited Egypt, obtaining support from the Centre for Arab-West Understanding in organizing their program in Egypt that was entirely focused on the role of religion in Egyptian society,...
In the context of Cornelis Hulsman showing me his nice draft newsletter article on Salman Rushdie for feedback, I recalled an article I wrote when I was at Georgetown University during what we may call the “Satanic Verses Crisis.”  I had at the time a talk which lasted for long hours with the...
The core argument of Coptic Solidarity for accusing him to be an “Agent' of al-Sīsī Government in the US” is that Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī registered under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) prior to his last visit to the USA. They believe this is sufficient evidence for their claims. It seems...
This article provides an overview of the views of Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī, Coptic Evangelical (Presbyterian) pastor and head of the Protestant Churches of Egypt, based on Arab media reporting as selected and summarized throughout the years by Arab-West Report/Dialogue Across Borders in response to...
Paid text of Coptic Solidarity (USA) in Christian Newswire alleging that Egyptian Christian leader Rev. Dr. Andrea Zakī is an ‘agent’ of President al-Sīsī. I have been a subscriber to Christian Newswire for many years now and was shocked to see such an attack on an Egyptian Christian leader by a...
Mohammed el-Shafei is the Education Officer at the UNHCR. He describes the great efforts Egyptian authorities are making to provide education to refugees. One needs to distinguish between refugees from countries to which the Four Freedoms Agreement applies; the right to property, the right to work...


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