Displaying 51 - 60 of 1693.
President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi has issued a decree giving Prime Minister Ibrahīm Mahlab the power to ban any foreign publication offensive to religion.
A delegation representing nine NGOs observed detained students taking their midterm examinations, in coordination with the Ministry of Interior.
The women in Behēra governorate, west of Cairo, cheered following the announcement of the Egyptian judiciary's ruling to cancel the annual celebration of the birth of the Jewish rabbi known as Abu Hasīra, whose tomb is in the village of Damtu in Behēra governorate.
Six months into his rule, on the first day of 2015, President `Abd al-Fattāh al-Sisi called for a “religious revolution” in a televised speech, while addressing a crowd of largely religious clerics. The room broke into applause.
Approximately 60 leading journalists and editors from Egypt’s mainstream media outlets demonstrated against the attacks on French magazine Charlie Hebdo, outside Cairo’s Press Syndicate Sunday.
The National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) called on United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon to organize a global counter-terrorism conference, emphasizing it supports the Sunday “Republican March” in Paris.
An Egyptian court has sentenced a student to three years in jail for announcing on Facebook that he is an atheist and for insulting Islam, his lawyer said Sunday.
“People talk about human rights, but what about God’s rights?” said Pope Tawadros in his sermon on the eve of Coptic Christmas on 6 January. These words, and most others in the same sermon rang hollow, as I recalled the opening lines of chapter thirteen in the book of Corinthians: “If I speak in...
The revolution has triggered a profusion of artistic expressions and opened a vigorous struggle between the independent culture players and those in power. Today, the creators find alternative refuges.
One cannot deny truths when the facts are so obvious for everyone. There are those promoting hatred for the revolution as if it were an illegitimate act involving conspiracy against security forces and an undermining of their foundations. Others believe that maligning the revolution would further...


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