Tutelage refers to how parties in power that claim to hold a monopoly on the absolute truth aspire to set the standards of good and evil, right and wrong, principles and values that should be adhered to, the concepts to be held true, what knowledge should be acquired and the hopes and dreams that should be the object of everyone's aspiration. These powerful parties can include a totalitarian-authoritarian ruling elite, religious institutions, institutions that possess compelling force, or political or social elites. In other words, the idea of tutelage prescribes for the citizen how he should organize his public and private life, and deprives him of his right to choose. It deprives the citizen of his freedom to reflect, think, speak and act, and effectively transforms him from a citizen with an individual existence to a member, element, or party to be crushed within the bounds of a larger whole, be that an organization, a society, or the people.